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Peter Stone had Two Papers Accepted at the IJCAI

Peter Stone had Two Papers Accepted at the IJCAI

Peter Stone had two papers accepted at the IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)

Joydeep Biswas Presented an Accepted Paper at the EAAI

Joydeep Biswas Presented an Accepted Paper at the EAAI

Joydeep Biswas presented paper at the EAAI (Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence) symposium.

Welcome New Faculty

Welcome New Faculty

We would like to welcome Farshid Alambeigi, Joydeep Biswas, Jose del R. MIllan, and Yuke Zhu.

New Algorithm and Exoskeleton Hardware for Full Body Worker Strength Augmentation

New Algorithm and Exoskeleton Hardware for Full Body Worker Strength Augmentation

There are some recent results in human strength amplification control for semi-active multi-contact exoskeletons, using a 8-powered-4-passive-DOF lower body exoskeleton from Apptronik Systems.

UT Austin Robotics Researcher speaks at Austin Central Library

UT Austin Robotics Researcher speaks at Austin Central Library

Robots have long fascinated humans for their amazing potential, but this is also a very real industry. 

$2.7M Grant Funds Research on Intelligent Robots That Work Naturally with Humans

$2.7M Grant Funds Research on Intelligent Robots That Work Naturally with Humans

In the future, your co-worker might be a robot. 

Aspiring mechanical engineers at UT Austin creating robots for the present and future

Aspiring mechanical engineers at UT Austin creating robots for the present and future

Robots are meant to make our jobs easier, but there are many questions about how we are supposed to interact with robots and how they will interact with us. 

International Panel at UK's Robotics week

International Panel at UK's Robotics week

Dr. Mitch Pryor spoke and participated in the International Panel at  UK's Robotics week with Stephen Hart from TRACLabs and Ron Diftler who is the branch chief for robotics at NASA JSC. 

Roboticist Andrea Thomaz is one of Fast Company's Most Creative People

Roboticist Andrea Thomaz is one of Fast Company's Most Creative People

In September 2018, her company launched a five-hospital beta trial of Moxi, a hospital robot assistant that completes non-patient-facing tasks such as gathering and delivering supplies and lab samples.

Peter Stone wins the Minnie Stevens Piper Teaching Award

Peter Stone wins the Minnie Stevens Piper Teaching Award

Peter Stone, a professor of computer science at The University of Texas at Austin, has won the Minnie Stevens Piper Teaching Award, which celebrates outstanding postsecondary teaching.

Construction begins on Anna Hiss Gym to house robotics programs

Construction begins on Anna Hiss Gym to house robotics programs

Last week, construction began on the Anna Hiss Gymnasium to house UT robotics programs.

Ufuk Topcu Leads $7.5 Million Project to Create Truly Autonomous Systems

Ufuk Topcu Leads $7.5 Million Project to Create Truly Autonomous Systems

$7.5 million Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) project aimed at developing artificial intelligence for UAVs.

Scott Niekum wins Career Award

Scott Niekum wins Career Award

Scott Niekum - along with three other UTCS professors—Vijay Chidambaram, Simon Peter, and Eric Price—have won the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development award for 2018.

Peter Stone Interview

Peter Stone Interview

Peter Stone was interviewed for Manuel Sagars' upcoming documentary on "Digital Transformation." You can watch the interview or read the transcript

Andrea Thomaz wins IEEE Young Professional Award

Andrea Thomaz wins IEEE Young Professional Award

Dr. Andrea Thomaz was awarded the IROS Toshido Fukuda Young Profressional Award for Outstanding Contributions to Human Robot Interaction 

Reinforcement Learning Key to Championship Soccer

Reinforcement Learning Key to Championship Soccer

Forget about robots stealing your job. Peter Stone is working on robots who can steal Ronaldo’s job.

Students win Best Robotic Manipulation Award at ICRA 2017

Students win Best Robotic Manipulation Award at ICRA 2017

A paper led by a UT graduate student Prashant Rao from the ReNeu Robotics Lab has won the ‘Best Robotics Manipulation Award’ at ICRA 2017

Scientists Imbue Robots with Curiosity

Scientists Imbue Robots with Curiosity

UT Professor Peter Stone is featured in this article from the AAAS Science Magazine

UT Austin announces Robotics Showcase Event!

UT Austin announces Robotics Showcase Event!

We invite you to join us to learn about UT's newly launched Robotics Consortium at the our kick-off showcase event (RSVP required).

Ufuk Topcu wins NSF CAREER Award

Ufuk Topcu wins NSF CAREER Award

Ufuk Topcu, an assistant professor of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics, is one of eight UT Austin professors selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to receive a 2017 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award.