Anna Hiss Gymnasium South Wing Opens
Click here to find more information on the South Wing facilities.

The South Wing facilities, which opened on May 5th, include our Heavy Robotics Bay, robotic rehabilitation lab spaces for patients recovering from strokes or injuries, and the spaces for our robotics machine and electronics shops (the equipment is currently being purchased) on the first floor. On the second floor, we have our open lab space- which has been designed to be reconfigured to fit the needs of projects hosted therein, student study and work areas, an area in which we are erecting a 1,200 square-foot motion capture system, a mock apartment, as well as lab spaces for humanoid robots, service robots, arms, and other platforms. It will also temporarily house laboratory operations that are scheduled to move into the North Wing in April 2021! When complete, the Anna Hiss Gymnasium building will encompass 55,240 square feet.