Course List:
Core Courses for Robotics Portfolio Program
- ASE 381P-9 Human Centered Robotics
- ASE 389 (CS 395T) Verification and Synthesis for Cyberphysical Systems
- CS 393R Autonomous Robots
- CS 381V: Visual Recognition
- CS 395T Advanced Robot Manipulation and Learning
- ECE 382V Human Robot Interaction
- ECE 385J Neural Engineering
- ME 397 Introduction to Robot Modeling and Control
- ME 397 Robot Mechanism Design
- ME 397 Algorithms for Sensor-Based Robotics
- CS 391R Robot Learning
- ME 397 Haptics and Teleoperated Systems
Approved Courses for Robotics Portfolio Program
- ASE 372N Satellite-Based Navigation
- ASE 381P-1 Linear Systems
- ASE 381P-6 Statistical Estimation Theory
- ASE 381P-7 Advanced Topics in Estimation Theory
- ASE 381P-10 Learning for Dynamics and Controls
- ASE 381P-12 System Identification and Adaptive Control
- ASE 389 Modeling Multi-Agent Systems
- CE 397 Control Theory for Smart Infrastructure
- CE 397 Sensors and Signal Interpretation
- CS 388 Natural Language Processing
- CS 391L Machine Learning
- CS 393R Autonomous Robots
- CS 394N Neural Networks
- CS 394R Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Practice
- CS 395T Advanced Geometry Processing
- CS 395T Applied Natural Language Processing
- CS 395T Deep Learning Seminar
- CS 395T Scalable Machine Learning
- CS 395T Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
- CS 395T Graphical Models
- CS 395T Numerical Optimization for Graphics and AI
- CS 395T Structured Models for NLP
- CS 384R Geometric Modeling and Visualization
- CS 395T Topics in Natural Language Processing
- CS 395T Spoken Language Technologies
- ECE 382V Technology for Embedded IoT
- EE 381V Online Learning
- EE 385V Brain-Computer Interaction
- EE 381V Advanced Topics in Computer Vision
- EE 382V Activity Sensing and Recognition
- GEO 391 Computational and Variational Methods for Inverse Problems
- INF 383P Introduction to Programming
- INF 385C Human-Computer Interaction
- INF 385Q Knowledge Management Systems
- INF 385T Human-AI Interaction
- M 393C Fundamentals of Predictive Machine Learning
- ME 383Q-2 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
- ME 384Q-2 Nonlinear Control Systems
- ME 384R-4 Geometry of Mechanisms and Robots
- ME 385J-22 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
- ME 397 Brain, Body & Robotics
- ME 397 Cyber-vehicle Systems
- ME 397 Digital Control
- ME 397 Estimation and Control for Ground Vehicle Systems
- ME 397 Medical Device Design and Manufacturing
- ME 385J Rehabilitation Engineering
- ME 392Q 9 Mechatronics II
- ME396P Application Programming for Engineers
Courses in robotics and related fields will change from year to year as may their availability. Thus students (and instructors) are welcome to contact their advisor or the steering committee concerning courses not on this list, but relevant to robotics.