RoboCup 2024
Texas Robotics students participated in the RoboCup Standard Platform League competition last week in the Netherlands. We participated in two competitions: RoboCup@Home and the Soccer Standard Platform Leagues "Challenge Shield" lower division competition.

In the RoboCup@Home competition, we advanced to the second round and did specifically well on the "General Purpose Service Robots" task portion, in which a robot needs to listen to verbal requests and execute them. The team leader, UTCS Ph.D. student Yuqian Jiang, was rewarded the Silvia Coradeschi award "for a young female RoboCup student, with distinguishing research."
In the Soccer Standard Platform League "Challenge Shield" lower division competition, WisTex United, a collaborative team of UT and Wisconsin-Madison students, took home the first place trophy!
Check out the final match here:
We are so proud of all the students involved and all the hard work they put into the competition!