
The main location of Texas Robotics activities is the historic Anna Hiss Gymnasium located on the main UT Austin Campus.
Google Map Addresses: 2501 Wichita Street, Austin, TX 78712
Parking: There is limited-time parking on campus along Speedway south of Dean Keeton, or paid parking along Dean Keeton east of Speedway. There is also visitor parking in the Speedway Garage.
From the parking garage, you can walk south on either Wichita or Speedway. Cross Dean Keaton and continue south. AHG is located between Wichita and Speedway, south of Dean Keaton. If traveling on Wichita, AHG’s front entrance will be on your left. If accessing from Speedway, you will access the AHG courtyard, via the walkway through MBB.
Shipping Addresses:
2501 Wichita Street
Austin, TX 78712
Instructions for Large Deliveries
Campus Maps: